What are we doing about COVID-19

We provided essential eyecare throughout the Covid-19 lockdown. Now that we are able to provide a full range of eyecare again, your health and well-being remain our number one priority, and we are implementing new protocols to keep you safe.
Please pre-book all appointments including, fittings, adjustments and repairs.
Please do not come to the practice if you have a cough or temperature, or have lost your sense of taste or smell, or have had contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
We have reduced the number of appointments to limit the number of people in the practice at any given time and maintain social distancing.
Please wear a face covering or face mask to your appointment. We may ask you to remove your face covering for some parts of the examination.
When you arrive for your appointment, please call us on 0118 9351975. We will ask you to wait in your car until we call you in.
We ask that, if possible, you are the only one who comes to the appointment. If you must bring another individual, please stay together the whole time you are with us. If you come with children, please ensure they keep socially distant.
Our equipment and eyewear are cleaned with medical wipes and UV-Light sterilization between patients and we use personal protective equipment.